A tale of two
Nick and Spencer are climate activists,
consultants and educators.
In 2020, they took all their savings and invested it into a little degraded horse property in Guerneville, CA. Their goal was to put all their reading about regeneration into practice, and invite others along the journey.
The journey to the farm began in 2019 when they decided to map out the influence and agency any individual has in response to the climate crisis - ways that we could use our financial, professional, social, civic, and behavioral power. They called this framework the Climate Pentagon and used it to help direct individual climate action.
Soon though, they realizing is was missing a key ingredient - motivation! People aren’t going to “DO” unless they “KNOW” and “CARE” about what they’re trying to save.
That aha moment was the seed for Solar Punk Farms. They decided to create a space that informed and inspired people towards a regenerative future. A space filled with tomatoes and chickens sure, but also science and ideas and activism and art and joy… One that shows that healing and stewarding the ecosystems we live in can be uplifting, enlightening, weird, sexy, more fulfilling and more fun than a life extracting from it. In other words, “a demonstration site that makes the regenerative revolution seem irresistible.”
Some Philosophies that guide our thinking…
Solarpunk is a movement in speculative fiction that seeks to wed us to a breathtaking vision of civilization where technology works in service of thriving ecologies so that we go out and make that more beautiful future a reality.
Geek out on Solarpunk!
Queer folks have a way of transcending binaries, building community, and rejecting the status quo in favor of the truth. We will engage the queer community against a new enemy: human-caused climate change.
Read more, nerd!
In nature, the most interesting biological things happen at the edges where two ecosystems meet. This edge is called an “Ecotone”. We’ll embrace this concept by facilitating the intersection of rural+urban, local+global, digital+biological, and past+future to nurture emergent solutions.